HRSCC - High Rate Solid Contact Clarifiers

Covalence EnviroTech Manufacture a Wide range of custom-built High Rate Solid Contact Clarifier – HRSCC in India for industrial process water applications, with inherent design to conserve water, and save costs.

The High Rate Solid Contact Clarifier usually called as HRSCC is used mostly wherein the incoming load conditions vary. Much wider range of water qualities can be handled in the HRSCC Clarifier.

The principle is based on mixing existing floc with the incoming effluent, to create a dense floc, which can be easily settled down

HRSCC - Application Areas

  • Colloidal Silica Removal
  • Waste Water Treatment
  • Heavy Metal Removal.

Advantages of the HRSCC

  • The solids contact type clarifier or HRSCC is a high rate water treating clarifier, which produces treated water of highest quality with minimum time, space and chemicals.
  • In high rate solids contact type clarifier, coagulants and large quantities of recirculating sludge’s are thoroughly mixed and are retained in intimate contact for a prolonged period of time in the draft tube and cone sections of the solid clarifier.
  • The tank and structural support design is completely self supporting for continuous service and compatible for supporting external loads such as walkways, ladders etc.
  • Minimum building space requirements and building height clearances.
  • Simple and straight forward operation requiring less operator attention and minimum maintenance.
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